Nuit et Brouillard Final Rehearsal 11-06-13


Thee audio for this has been taken from thee final rehearsal before ATF left for Lille, France, to take part in thee 'Nuit et Brouillard' event, which also featured Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule during a Magikal evening of Muziks. It features an elektro-akoustik set that builds a loop in realtime from skratch.

Instrumentation for this piece inkluded: 
8 x Singing Bowls, 2 x Bells, 1 x Flute, 1 x Okarina, 1 x Shamanik Rattle, 2 x Seed Shakers, 1 x Rain Stik, 2 x Tingsha, 1 x Thunder Maker, 1 x Frog Kroaker, 2 x Gongs, 1 x Damaru, 1 x Aura Chimes, 8 x Beaters

Thee film was taken from thee bakground film used on thee night, with some slight alterations to keep thee performance unique to thee audience that attended thee Rite. Thee aim of thee performance was to help to re-konnekt myself with 'Thee Divine', 'Thee Kurrent ov Nature' if you will, as I felt that this has been slipping from me over thee last year or so...I wanted to re-fokus my Energies upon my Path...Thee film was made with this 'Statement ov Intent' in mind and features footgae from two films that I have previously made: Thee first is 'Grounding Excerise: Salvia Rite', during which I felt a very strong konnektion with Nature itself and reminds me of some Sekret and very relevant Experiences. Thee sekond is part of thee Dreamachine series, as again I had a strong feeling of being 'Konnekted' during this time. Mixed with this is footage from my ongoing Projekt of 'Thee Shamanik Playground', which is also fokused upon re-uniting myself with thee same Energies. Thee sigils used represent my 'Holy Pantheon' of God-Forms from various Belief Systems that have bekome relevant to me over thee years, as well as some 'Power Words' I have chosen over time from thee Ouranik-Barbarik Diktionary.


Thee Dreamachine Sessions

A series of six short films based around Gysin's Dreamachine with soundtraks varying from purely akoustik to processed and synthesised pieces. Thee first film was uploaded to YouTube on 7/2/12 and thee rest of thee films were released once a month to also koincide with thee Full Moon. Thee audio was also uploaded to Soundcloud on thee same day to be used separately from thee visuals as a soundtrak for your own Dreamachine/Visualisation experiences...

Dreamachine Sessions 01
This first komposition was rekorded in one take as an improvised akoustik set with some post-produktion and utilises singing bowls, bells, seed shakers and a shamanik rattle...

Dreamachine Sessions 02

This komposition was kreated using layered rekordings of a flute, kangling, singing bowl and shamanik rattle...

Dreamachine Sessions 03

This komposition was kreated using layered rekordings of different drones from my singing bowls mixed with a live akoustik session rekorded in one take utilising my flute, kangling, singing bowls, bells, aura chimes, tingsha, damaru, gongs and shamanik rattle...

Dreamachine Sessions 04

This komposition was kreated using layered rekordings of different drones from my singing bowls mixed with a Tibetan hand-gong, various seed shakers, rain stik, Thai wooden frog and shamanik rattle...
As well as thee usual Full Moon release, this film is also being released during thee 'Super Moon' of May 2012. 
"A Super Moon occurs when the moon goes into its full phase at the same time it approaches Earth at the shortest-possible point in its orbit..."

Dreamachine Sessions 05

This komposition was kreated using layered rekordings of different drones from my singing bowls and bells...
This film was released on thee Tibetan Holy Day 'Saga Dawa', which koincides with thee Full Moon.
"The Saga Dawa festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 4th Tibetan month and is one of the most important religious festivals celebrated in Tibet. This auspicious day coincides with three important events in Buddha's life namely his birth, nirvana and parinirvana (death). Since the Saga Dawa festival falls on the holiest month of the Tibetan calendar, it is believed that good deeds and prayers are multiplied thousand fold during this event. So we can see everyone immersed in prayers and trying to appease the gods."

Dreamachine Sessions 06

This komposition was kreated using layered processed rekordings of different drones from my gongs, singing bowls and bells with my Rain Stiks and Shamanik Rattle (which also makes an appearance in thee film).

Piercing Thee Veil Of Re-Birth

This is a short film kreated for thee Sombre Soniks release of ATF's 'Apokrypha II' with visuals by thee talented okkult artist Madguten in Denmark during his Ritual Workings.Thee komposition was kreated by Akoustik Timbre Frekuency utilising Synthesis, Chanting, Taiko and Frame Drums, Singing Bowls and Vokal sounds and was originally rekorded in 2008.

'Apokrypha II' is available as a digital download from Sombre Soniks here:

Eruptions Of Nefarious Daemons


This is a short film for thee Ritual komposition 'Eruptions of Nefarious Daemons' also taken from thee  'Apokrypha II' release..

'Apokrypha II' is available from Sombre Soniks here:

Kalibration Of Thee Gods


Taken from Akoustik Timbre Frekuency's 'Kthonik Korridors' release, this is thee film kreated for thee 'Kalibration of thee Gods' komposition for thee original release in 2010. Thee visuals were kreated by talented okkult visual artist Madguten, a frequent kollaborater with ATF who has provided several films and bakdrops for thee Ritual Ambient projekt over thee years.This is now presented as a free download, in full HD for thee first time, to mark thee re-release of 'Kthonik Korridors' on thee Sombre Soniks label.
'Kthonik Korridors' is available from Sombre Soniks here:
For more info on Madguten: